Does coffee make you bloated

Many people feel the effects of coffee on their intestines as early as 10-30 minutes after drinking a cup of their favorite beverage. The symptoms manifest themselves in different ways — they may be urges to go to the toilet, there may be pain or carping, heartburn, flatulence. They manifest themselves in a weak or strong measure, and not always a person associates them at all with the fact that he drank his espresso or latte. But anyone who cares about their health should be aware of the effects of coffee on the intestines to understand what is happening to their body. Does coffee make you bloated?

How Coffee Affects the Intestines

The effects of coffee on the digestive system, including the small and large intestine, are most direct. If you drink it on an empty stomach, the effect may be noticeable in 10-15 minutes, during this time the drink passes through the stomach and begins to be absorbed. If you have a good breakfast first, or at least eat a sandwich together with your morning coffee, the effect can come in 30-40 minutes, and will be weaker. It doesn’t matter if you drink a natural or instant drink, decaf or regular. The effects are caused not only by caffeine, but also by other components, and there are about 2,000 of them in the grain, and not all of them are studied.

Sharp pain in the abdomen

Usually occurs in the small intestine, can be felt as a thread in the stomach. Quite severe, it comes on suddenly, it feels as if the stomach is cramping. The most common cause is the consumption of coffee on an empty stomach, especially if the person is sleep-deprived, stressed, sick, and the body is weakened. Sharp intake of hot strong black coffee (especially instant coffee) leads to a release of adrenaline in the blood, caffeine quickly goes to the brain, and the weakened nervous system perceives it as a toxin. And the toxin has to be gotten rid of. 


The effect occurs for a variety of reasons. In some people, coffee, entering the stomach, slows down the digestion process, food is not digested and such goes to the intestines. It can also be the icy beverage, which also stops the digestion process. Or it could be too hot, scalding. In any case, half-digested food cannot be processed quickly in the intestines, and because of the abundance of bacteria and enzymes the process of putrefaction begins, which is accompanied by bloating of the stomach, flatulence.


Actually, the result of the body quickly getting rid of toxins. If, in the opinion of the body, there were a lot of toxins, the diarrhea may be very rapid and severe, but it will pass quickly. Just remember to drink plenty of water, to avoid dehydration. The problem can also be from coffee and milk alone, since it is often poorly absorbed by the adult body. Since it is not digested, the product enters the intestines as is, liquefies the stools, fills the gaps, and the stools become liquid.